What Benefits 8A Certification Program Brings In

Launched by the Federal Government, 8a certification Program is providing a ray of hope to the small and disadvantaged business owners. It is a business assistance program that is specifically designed for the small business owners who are finding it difficult to win contracts from the open market. Neither have they had enough funds that can be used as capital.

For such budding entrepreneurs, 8a Certification Program is more of a bliss that offers a broad scope. Organizations that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals mostly come under the spectrum of this business program.

The purpose of this program is quite straightforward. 8a Certification Program will be instrumental in bringing the disadvantaged entrepreneurs to the federal business arena. They will not only gain access to the economic mainstream but will also help the aspiring entrepreneurs gain a base in the government contracting.

Focus of 8a Business Development Program

The prime focus of the 8a certification Program is to provide business development support that includes:

  • Full-fledged mentoring
  • Procurement assistance
  • Training and development
  • Business counseling
  • Indemnity bonding
  • Financial assistance
  • Technical & management assistance

8a certification Program is a 9-year program, which has a four year developmental phase, and a five long year transition phase. Due to its time limit, a lot of people prefer entering into this program at an early age.

As a part of this program, participants can win all kinds of federal contracts. It includes sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services. However, $6.5 million is reserved for manufacturing. Making participants aware and involved in the competitive acquisitions is also a part of the 8a certification Program.

Joint Venture & Bidding

Participants of the program can also get into joint ventures and make their teams to bid on contracts. It offers 8a firms to play with larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling. Definitely, it opens up a broader spectrum for the entrepreneurs to close two or more contracts together into one large contract.

As a business development program, this one is certainly an excellent way to fortify the position of the small business owners in a highly competitive marketplace.


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