8 (a) Business Development Program Success Factors

We identified several common traits and excellent practices among the more than 1,500 8a Certification Business Development Program participants in Metro Washington, D.C. after analyzing trends among them. Here are the strategies used by the most prosperous businesses to expand over the initial four years of the developing phase and the following five years of the transition phase, which results in 8a certification program graduation 8(a) Program Entry Entry into the 8a Certification Program Participants in the 8a certification program typically have a track record of at least two years, however, the SBA may waive that criterion. Additionally, the business typically employs at least one person outside the owner. What differs do the most prosperous people do? They are already marketing to the government and concentrating their efforts on the most promising agencies before they even apply for the program. They concentrate their efforts on a maximum of 3–4 agencies. They have also...