
Showing posts with the label federal certification

What to know in details about 8a certification and the procedure

The small business associations business development program 8a certification services are especially among the most coveted affirmation available to small business holders in the US. The ultimate goal of the program is to help small businesses become much larger through many government contracts and certain mentorship from large business in the same industry. To qualify for this certification a venture holder should come across certain points, here we will light up the matter in bit details. By then you can check the video below:  8a certified business can receive sole-source contracts for up to $4 million especially for service and goods even up to $6.5 million for manufacturing purpose. Additionally one of the most favored features of the program is the ability of certified firms to receive subcontracts from larger contractors, allowing both companies to benefit in a tremendous way. Participants also take help from consultants’ of 8a certification services to get the process...