The Guidance for Submitting the Application for 8a certification

The entrepreneur should asses the need for 8a certification for his/her company. This is the foremost requirement before starting the application process. With a purpose of the requirement for minority application, the entrepreneur will leverage the future goals for the company set.
The application should be prepared in the BDMIS system and the application for 8a certification can be uploaded with the supporting documents to the SBA website.
Supporting documentation in regard to 8(A) application requires research thoroughly for the supporting documents in the SBA website and find for other sources as well. The SBA might request you to submit additional documents if there a need for the eligibility determination.

Documents requiring the signatures and dates should be dated near to the time of submission as possible.
Economic disadvantages description or narratives are not mandatory. Research for the requirement of eligibility criteria when the application process starts for 8a certification.
The previous two years contract and invoice are not required unless requested. To find out the need for the information. The community property law is not considered while looking for economic disadvantage. A transmutation document may be required to establish 51% unconditional ownership of the applicant firm. Interim financial statements should be very recent as possible to the application submission date.
The net income account on the income (profit & loss) statement should match that reported on the company’s balance sheet. There are consulting firms who help in the navigation process for the minority certification by the SBA. If you find the process grueling and nerve-wracking then you can seek help from the consulting firms who provide help. It is entirely optional to hire them and they do charge fees for their services. However, they know their job and provide good service to the applicants for 8a certification.


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