Top 5 Frequently Asked Question for 8(a) Certification

The applicant for the 8a certification needs to find answers to certain queries and we have listed the frequently asked questions by the applicant. The answers are from the experts who know the details of the minority program very well.

We also present a vlog by an expert who gives a knowledgeable insight into the 8a program.

1) Is the participation for minority program is the only way to Federal trade?

No, anyone can apply for federal contracts. There is no restriction for anyone for federal contracts. However, with the 8a certification, the companies have an edge over their competitors as they are preferred by some of the government agencies.

2) Does getting the certification guarantee federal contracts?

Every applicant has to strive on its own for federal contracts. There is no surety for contracts with the certification. The SBA trains the disadvantaged companies with many workshops, training classes to apply for the contract correctly, in the heavily competitive Federal market.

3) What is the duration to get the certification?

It depends on the applicant status, the documents submitted and the company’s potential. There are companies who are still waiting for years to get their status approved, and some are still in the process of arranging the documents. Once the documents are submitted correctly, it takes a median of 90 days to receive the certification.

4) What is the role of consulting firms?

The application process is long and tedious and so there are consulting firms which provide substantial help to the applicants. They do charge fees for their services but they are experienced enough to navigate the process very carefully.

5) Does the minority certification come with an expiry date?

Yes, the 8a certification comes with an expiry date. The term is for 9 years and after this, the company is no longer a participant in the program. However, the company can willingly withdraw from the program in the term if it wants to do so.


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