8a Certification: Benefits, Potentials, and Guide to Achieve Success

Owning a small business is not easy especially, for owners belonging to economically and socially disadvantaged categories. However, acquiring a certification or making your company eligible for the 8(a) program can be the game changer.

Every year, the federal government invests a minimum of 5% of the overall contracting dollars to help small companies flourish. Thus, 8a certification is your golden ticket to benefit from this award scheme. 

Besides, getting certified by an 8(a) Business Development program and maintaining eligibility requires patience and proper association. Learn more about this certification and ways to turn this opportunity in your business’s favor by sticking to this blog.

Why is 8a Certification Essential for Small Company Owners?

Often, businesses refer to the 8(a) program as the SBA Mentor-Protégé program ideal for making them eligible to bid for government contacts. Thus, providing an equal opportunity for new startups and small companies and making them ready to deal with federal departments.

It is not always easy for struggling businesses to find or establish their place in the abatement industry. This is where the 8a certification comes into the picture for helping owners work as B2G contractors.

One of the best aspects of this certification is to gain smooth access to exclusive sole-source contracts. Moreover, small businesses can perform well in the market and achieve more credibility by working as government contracting agencies.

Undergoing SBA 8a program offers free training and networking with procurement and compliance specialists. They help you bridge the gap and acquire skills essential for growing or expanding your small business.

Benefits Certified Businesses can Expect from 8(a) Certification Program

Below are the advantages that you can explore after successfully acquiring your 8a certification from the SBA Mentor program.

Technically advanced and reputed companies mentor small business owners to help their firms grow and thrive.

You can enjoy long-term contracts and assistance from the government. Typically, the validity of the certification lasts for nine long years, which is ideal for business development.

Get the latest updates on government contracting, federal surplus property, and technical assistance programs.

Compete with fewer companies to participate and win bidding as government subcontractors.

Eligibility to approach established companies and form joint ventures for expanding the business’s overall capacity.

How to Utilize 8a Certification and Ensure Success for Business?

Whether you have already acquired 8(a) certifications or considering being a participant, follow these tips. For business growth and association with the government as a long-term contractor, going through these points might help owners.

Emphasis on Marketing Practices

Most businesses lag in their marketing efforts even after participating in any 8a program. This might happen when you stop developing new business or marketing plans after getting the certification.

Remember, you can’t expect your business to grow on its own without proper promotional or development strategies. Therefore, try to discover the best marketing practices and implement them throughout the duration and validity of the 8a certification.

Build and Nurture Relationships

When it comes to establishing a small business and making it more credible, forming relationships with reliable professionals matter. You may start by collecting information on government contracting officers and subcontractors to gain valuable insights. The list also comprises connecting with teaming partners who can recommend ways to turn bidding outcomes in your business’s favor.

8a program helps owners to establish relationships with PTACs (Procurement Technical Assistance) and customers. It not only helps their businesses to beat other competitors but, nurtures the professional association for securing future endeavors.

Collaborate with Graduating 8a Firms

Company owners who already come under the 8a certification can help you explore more about the program benefits. Alongside providing tips to utilize the resources from SBA, they might show interest in working with your business.

The 9 years duration is an excellent opportunity for company owners to gain the trust of graduating 8(a) companies. Rather than approaching them after the completion of the program, businesses can collaborate with them while being active participants.

Think Beyond Codependent Partnerships

Teaming up with reputed 8a agencies or trustworthy participants doesn’t always guarantee success with small business development. Though you should not hamper your relationships with them, overcoming codependency is important.

Hence, you should always focus on partnering with companies that may or may not be from your professional circle. One of the quickest and easiest ways to do so is to research and grab new opportunities for small businesses. For this, you can conduct market research and form relationships with companies that prioritize working with disadvantaged business owners.

Improve Business’s Technical Expertise

Acquiring 8a certification alone can’t bring potential leads for government-business contractors. You should demonstrate your company’s potential to yield maximum outcomes with set-aside contracts. To achieve this goal, most owners prefer to evaluate bid-winning attempts or success stories of other firms.

Another great way to grab sole-source contracting opportunities from the government is by enhancing technical expertise.  You can do this by learning from a vast range of bidding events. Else, find service providers who work on all aspects of the SBA 8(a) program. This includes preparing businesses to acquire and maintain the certification. 

Prepare Quality Business Proposals

It doesn’t matter how well you absorb the knowledge or practical experience during the 8a program, proposals should be perfect. Often, the quality of your technical writing and business proposal decides your company’s fate in bidding and government contracts.

Owners of many small businesses rely on professionals for preparing top-notch proposals that can steal the deal. They learn how to incorporate staffing strategies, and affordability aspects and present the proposal in an organized manner. 

What is the Eligibility to Get Approval for the 8(a) Program?

First of all, you need to assess whether your firm comes under the category of Small Disadvantaged Business. The following parameters will help you find out whether your business qualifies or not.

  • Make sure the company has 51% of its shares controlled or owned by U.S. nationals who belong to a disadvantaged group. 
  • The disadvantaged category must depend on the economic and social background of one or more owners or stakeholders. 
  • Only small companies are eligible for the 8a certification that meet the size standards as set by SBA. 
  • Net worth not above $850 thousand, personal assets within $6.5 million, and gross income not exceeding $400 thousand. 
  • At least 2 years of business experience and good character are important for participants enrolling in the 8a program. Sometimes, SBA allows you to ignore this condition, provided the other conditions are met at the time of registration.

You can always consult with agencies that specialize in different aspects of the 8(a) certification program for business owners.

To Conclude

There is no better opportunity than the 8a certification to receive quality training from SBA’s development program for your business. Everything important for owners to understand about this certification is covered above. Therefore, redefine your business objectives and check eligibility before becoming an 8(a) participant.

You may also search for a well-established consulting firm providing government certifications including 8 a, EDWOSB, and SDVOSB.


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