Know About 8a Certification & Understand Its Benefits

8a certification is best for those companies that are in a socially and economically disadvantaged position in the United States. If you have a small business and you are a citizen of the United States then you can apply for the 8a certification. Not every business can obtain the 8a certification to become a participant in the 8a business developmental program. Make sure your business has all the required characteristics to get into the 8a business developmental program of the United States.

In order to obtain the 8a certification, you will need to go through a systematic procedure and fulfill all the requirements. Your business must maintain the standards of the Small Business Administration (SBA). Businesses get into the 8a program in order to gain a competitive advantage in the federal market. Especially the businesses that are economically and socially disadvantaged. It is because competing with large and established companies or federal contractors is quite tough. Thus, making a remarkable position in the market becomes a struggle for small businesses in the United States.

Before obtaining the 8a certification, make adequate preparations so that your business becomes eligible to opt for the certification and get into the program.

In this blog, we will talk about the 8a certification, 8a-certified companies, and the benefits that you can get by obtaining the certification. By the end of this blog, you will also be able to understand the importance of the 8a business developmental program.

What is the 8a certification?

8a certification allows companies to get into the 8a business development program of the United States. It is a certification that lasts for nine years. The government of the United States has set strict rules to get into the development program and that is why obtaining the 8a certification is necessary.

In order to obtain the 8a certification, you will need to make your business the eligibility criteria by fulfilling all the requirements. By obtaining the certification your business will be validated for matching all the prerequisites of the Small Business Administration (SBA) Program.

8a-certified companies means the entities that have fulfilled all the eligibility criteria and applied for the SBA 8a Business development program.

What is an 8a-certified company?

An 8a-certified company is a small business that is owned and operated/controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged citizens of the United States. These companies become participants of the 8a business development program. The 8a program is administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA) of the United States.

The business owners of these 8a companies have a net worth of $750 thousand or below that. The adjusted income is $350 thousand and below that. The companies have gathered enough experience which is why these entities have obtained the 8a certification to be a part of the developmental program of the United States.

Benefits of 8a certification

There are numerous benefits that companies get from obtaining the 8a certification. Basically, the certification allows the companies to get into the program and the program drives benefits to the 8a-certified companies.

You have already got to know that the program gives competitive advantages. The main purpose of the 8a development program is to support all the small and disadvantaged businesses in the United States. Now it is time to understand the benefits in detail. We have mentioned some of the most remarkable benefits that you can get by obtaining the 8a certification

The benefits are mentioned below:

  • 8a-certified companies can efficiently compete with other federal contractors or government contracting companies. 
  • The companies with 8a certification get numerous government contracting opportunities by getting preferences from the government agencies. 
  • These companies get set-aside contracts and sole-source contracts from the U.S. government. 
  • 8a-certified companies receive training and assistance to obtain government contracts successfully. 
  • The companies get long-term government contracts which help them to grow their business consistently. 
  • These companies get assistance from business opportunity specialists. 
  • With the 8a certification, companies can start joint ventures with established businesses to increase the capacity and capability of the organization. 
  • The companies qualify to receive federal surplus property based on priorities.


Now you know about the 8a certification and the 8a-certified companies. You also got to know about all the benefits that you can get by obtaining the certification and getting to the 8a business development program. If you think that your business has similar traits or characteristics then you have a high chance of getting the 8a certification. So wait no more and get into the business development program of the government of the United States. It will make all the tasks to win government contracts a lot easier.


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