Get Your Business Certified in the SBA Minority Program

To enjoy the benefits of the business development program you need to certify your business in the sba minority program. Well, to become a participant to the program you need to understand the eligibility criteria for the participation.
We here present a video which discusses the criteria in detail. It has all the details which an applicant should know about the sba minority program

There are plenty of benefits for participation in the sba minority program. The most important and unique of the benefit is the mentor protégé program. In this program, the candidate gets an opportunity to bid for huge federal contracts by collaborating with big companies which are already doing business s in the federal market.

 The purpose and main aim of the mentor-protégé relationship is to

  • improve the capabilities of the protégé
  • Help the protégé meet the goals established in the  SBA-approved business plan
  • Improve the protégé’s ability to compete for contracts
A protégé can also get valuable assistance from a mentor in several areas which includes
  • Technical and/or management assistance
  • Trade education
  • Government contracting
  • Financing in the form of equity investments and/or loans
There is consulting help which provides assistance to these applicants as the small and disadvantaged company owners remain is a constant fear of getting their application rejected. The SBA receives plenty of applications for the participation for the sba minority program. But, more than half of them get rejected as they make small errors or mistakes in the application and the documents submitted.
The consulting firms do the job for them and reduce or rather eliminate any errors which can get the application rejected. However, it is not mandatory to hire their services as the applicant can do the job on their own and save the fees.
The Author is a business blogger who works for 8a certification ADVANCE 8A that offers the best quality 8a certification in the USA. The company has its Business office located at 4 Interstate Access Road, Suite C Wilder, KY 41076 and can be contacted by Phone +1 703-688-3546, Interested people can visit the company website for more information.


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